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Haji Procedure Info..By Rr Denny Novitasari

Haji Procedure Info..
Hajj is the way we teach is a pilgrimage Procedures based on the teachings , " The
Ahlusunnah Wal Jama'ah / GenerasiSalafush Salih "
- Hints of physical preparation for departure to return
- Practical help for health care in the Holy Land
- Practical help of social life in the holy land and practical Arabic
- Debriefing read Quran
- Preparation of the science and practice of rituals of Hajj pilgrimage
- Deepening weekly until departure materials and deepening pilgrimage in the Holy
- Photo copies of ID 18 sheets
- Certificate of Health and the local health center 5 pieces
- Copy of marriage certificate for pilgrims who married beranngkat 2 sheets
- Color photograph ( white background )
- The provision of 90 % visible face
- 3 x 4 = 40 pieces
- 4 x 6 = 4 pieces
Number the pictures above for the whole process ( in the bank , MORA , health and
millah ibrahim ) is recommended for women with veiled photo .
- USD registration fee ( yet determined )
- The cost of the pilgrimage group Rp . ( Yet determined ) and ( No. ) Real , the fee
can be paid until the execution of the rituals .
While ( No. ) Real paid the plane after getting Lifing Cost
- Guidance and health rituals of Hajj
- Medicines for the purposes of Hajj group
- Introduction of the pilgrimage site
- Pilgrimage to the historic sites in Makkah , Madinah and Jeddah
- Umrah sunnah once and Tanim
- Injections meningitis
- Guidebooks
- Uniform entourage , including :
- Clothing of Ihram
- kopyah
- Wrap suitcase
- Jackets
- Kain kebaya embroidery
- T-shirt and socks hand
- Jackets
- Siet Hats , hoods
FIRST : Some errors in ihram .
Miqat exceeded its path without berihram of miqat , so get to Jeddah or to areas that
are within the miqat , then he did ihram from there . This is contrary to the Prophet
commands that require each of the pilgrims berihram miqat path.
So for those who do so , shall be returned to miqat in its path , and berihram from
there if indeed possible , if not possible , then he shall pay fidyah , ie goat ,
slaughtered in the city of Mecca , is then distributed throughout the meat to the the
indigent . This provision applies to people who come by air , land or sea .
If the arrival is not through one of five predetermined miqat , then he should berihram
of miqat place parallel to the first path.
SECOND : Some errors in the tawaf
Start Tawaf before the Black Stone , but that should be starting from the Black
Stone .
Hijir Tawaf inside the Kaaba , because then it means he is not around the entire
Kaaba , but only partially , because it includes the Kaaba Hijir , therefore he did
Tawaf round in the Hijir invalid .
Doing Ramal ( jogged ) on all the seven rounds of Tawaf , when Ramal was only
performed on the first three rounds , and even then only done specifically on Tawaf
Qudum alone .
Jostle to kiss the Black Stone , sometimes even up to one another at and berate . It
should not be , because it can harm fellow Muslims , in addition to swearing and
hitting between fellow Muslims is forbidden except by right of way ( which is
justified by religion ) .
Leaving kiss the Black Stone is not damaging to the Tawaf , Tawafnya remains valid
even though not smell it at all . And for a sign which provides enough Tawaf while
bertakbir while being aligned with the Hajar Aswad , even from far away .
Black Stone rubbed with a view to getting the blessing of the stone . This is heresy
, there is no basis at all in the Islamic shari'ah . Yet according to the guidance of the
Prophet Muhammad simply by rubbing and kissing her with the intention of worship
to Allah SWT .
Wiping the entire corner of the Kaaba . Sometimes even rubbed all over the walls .
Though Prophet Muhammad never rubbed parts kecualil Kaaba and the Black Stone
Pillars Yamani only.
Determine the specific prayer for each round of the Tawaf , because it was never
done by the Prophet SAW . As he did each pass through the Black Stone is bertakbir ,
and at each end of the round between the Black Stone and the Rukun Yamani he read
" O our Lord , give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter , and save us from
the torment of hell fire . "
Raising his voice during Tawaf , as did the congregation or the Muthawwif , which
can interfere with other people who are Tawaf .
Jostling to prayer near Maqam Ibrahim . It is against the Sunnah , in addition to
annoy and hurt the people who are Tawaf , pray two rak'ah Tawaf when it is done
elsewhere in the Haram Mosque .
THIRD : Some errors in Sa'i
There are some pilgrims , when it climbed to the top of Safa and Marwah , they are
facing the Kaaba , raising her hand while reading takbir , as if they bertakbir to pray .
Right in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad was raised both
hands as when praying .
A quick walk at Sa'i between Safa and Marwah in all rounds . Yet according to the
Sunnah Rasulullah SAW , it's just done a quick run between the two green signs
alone , while the rest simply by running normal .
FOURTH : Some errors in Arafat
Most pilgrims who stopped there beyond the limits of Arafah , and remains in
place until sunset . Then they leave for Muzdalifah without Standing at Arafat . This
is a big mistake , which resulted in their pilgrimage in vain , because it is actually
Hajj Standing at Arafat , for they shall be within the limits of Arafat not outside it .
Then let them really pay attention to this issue before staying , and trying to be in the
range of Arafah . If not possible , then let them enter Arafah before sunset , and
remain there until sunset . And sufficient for their entry Arafat at night , which is
specialized in the evening feast of sacrifice.
There are some pilgrims who left Arafah before sunset . It should not be done ,
because the Prophet SAW did Standing at Arafat until the sun had indeed set.
Jostling to be able to climb to the top of the hill Arafat and up to the peak, which
can cause a lot of harm . In fact the whole Padang Arafah is the place berwukuf iu ,
and rose to the top of the hill is not disyari'atkan , so also pray on it .
There are some pilgrims , when praying hill overlooking Arafat . According to the
Sunnah is pray facing Mecca .
Most pilgrims there who make a mound of sand and gravel on the day of Arafah in
certain places . It is an act that does not have any basis in the Shari'ah of God .
FIFTH : Some errors in Muzdalifah
Part of pilgrims , first up in Muzdalifah , busy with picking up pebbles before praying
Maghrib and Isya ' , they believed that the stone - throwing pebbles Pebbles for it to
be taken from Muzdalifah .
The truth is allowed to take the stones out of the ground all over the place unclean ,
because according to the true history of the Prophet Muhammad , that he was never
told that dipungutkan for him to throw stones from Muzdalifah Jumrah Aqabah it , it's
just that he never dipungutkan stones for her in the morning when leaving Muzdalifah
after entering mina region . Similarly, the remaining stones he collected from mina .
There are also some pilgrims who wash the stones with water , but not disyari'atkan .
SIXTH : Some errors when throwing Jumrah
When throwing Pebbles , there are some pilgrims who believe , that they are
throwing the devil , so they throw in fury accompanied by a diatribe . Though it is
throw Jumrah disyari'atkan solely to carry out the remembrance of God .
Some of them throwing stones Pebbles with large , or with boots , or with wood .
This is a monstrous deed in religion which is forbidden by the Prophet Muhammad .
And the pitch is considered invalid .
Disyari'atkan in which it is to throw small stones of goat manure .
Jostling and hitting each other in places Jumrah to be flipped . Though the
disyari'atkan is to throw calmly and carefully , and make every effort not to hurt
others .
Throwing stones all at once . The scholars say that the way that it was only counted
once burst .
Disyari'atkan which is a stones throw away one by one , while bertakbir on every
throw .
Depute someone else to throw , while he himself is able to do so , because it avoids
the difficulties and overcrowding. Whereas others represent new permissible to throw
it if he is unable , because of illness or something .
SEVENTH : Some errors in Tawaf Wada '
Most pilgrims leave Mina on the day Nafar ( Dhu al-Hijjah of 12 or 13 ) before
throwing Pebbles , and immediately perform Tawaf Wada ' , and then return to Mina
to throw Pebbles , then they immediately left for each country and thus the end of the
encounter they are with Jumrah not with Baitullah , when the Prophet SAW has said :
" Do not ever leave someone Mecca , before ending the encounter ( by doing tawaf )
in the House . "
Therefore , Tawaf Wada 'must be done after completion of all the deeds pilgrimage
circuit , and direct a few moments before leaving . After Tawaf Wada ' he no longer
lived in Mecca except for a few purposes .
Completing the Tawaf Wada ' most pilgrims out of the mosque by walking
backwards as he exposes the face to the Kaaba . They assume that it is a tribute to the
Kaaba . This act is an innovation , there is no basis at all in religion .
Most of them , when he reached the exit Haram Mosque after performing Tawaf
Wada ' , turned menghadaap Ka'bah and saying various prayers as if they were saying
goodbye to the Kaaba , it is also an act of heresy that have no basis .
EIGHTH : Some errors pilgrimage to the Prophet's Mosque .
Rubbed walls and iron poles religious visit to the tomb when the Prophet
Muhammad , and tying the threads or something on the windows to get a blessing .
Though there is blessing it on things that disyari'atkan by Allah and His Messenger
SAW , not on things that are heretical .
Go to the caves in the hills of Uhud , as well as to the cave and the cave of Hira in
Mecca Tsur , and tied pieces of fabric in those places , as well as reading various
prayer is not allowed by God , and take pains to do things those things . And all of
this is an act of heresy that there is no basis at all in this sacred Islamic law .
Religious visit some places regarded as relics of the Prophet Muhammad mark ,
like a camel mendekamnya Prophet , Khatam wells or wells Uthman , and take sand
from these places to expect a blessing .
Appealed to the people who have died while on a pilgrimage to the cemetery Baqi '
and martyrs of Uhud , and throwing money into the cemetery to get closer and expect
blessings from the occupants . This includes a fatal mistake , even the scholars
mention that it includes a large shirk , based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the
Prophet SAW , as indeed it is to worship God semataa , should not be at all
whatsoever divert purpose of worship to other than Allah , such as prayer , sacrificial
slaughtering , bernadzar and worship, for the word of God :
" Though they were not commanded except to worship Allah with obedience to Him
purifies the ( running ) religion "
" And verily the mosques belong to God . Then ye worship besides Allah
seseorangpun worship . "
We ask Allah , may he make things better Muslims and give them the religion of
understanding and protecting us and all Muslims from the fitnah is misleading . He is
Hearing and Ruling Upholds His servant .

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