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On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:04 PM, sultoni comara <sultoni_c@yahoo.co.id> wrote:
ok tolong fotonya disusulkan.tk

Dari: anis masruroh <anismasruroh10@gmail.com>
Kepada: sultoni_C@yahoo.co.id
Dikirim: Senin, 16 September 2013 20:27
Judul: how to make accessories from flannel fabric

How to Make Accessories from Flannel Fabric
How to create accessories of flannel is not too hard to do even by
beginners. If making your own accessories, of course, you can choose
the colors and shapes that you have imagined. The result will be much
more satisfying than just buying in store accessories. You are also
free of overcrowding in store accessories.
How to Make Accessories from Flannel Fabric
Here's how to make a flannel-shaped accessories from beautiful roses
you must be very fit to wear even come to a par
1.Prepare the necessary materials in advance. Choose flannels green,
red, pink, or white to make this rose accessories. Embroidery thread
and sewing thread should also be the same color that is compatible
with a flannel cloth. Prepare also needles, scissors, glue and
2.  First, we will try to make kuncupnya. Make a rectangular pattern
on your flannels. Then fold the triangle shape to resemble a rosebud.
3. Next, we will make a crown shape. Trim flannel cloth of varying
sizes, small and large to resemble a crown of roses. Note unity
compatible measure will make the end result to be getting better. When
you have finished cutting the pattern, sew directly into bud flower
crown that had been made previously. Sewing a neat circle around the
bud and flower. No need special sewing technique, just in and out like
normal sewing. Note that you must be sewed from the bottom of the
crown so that it could look neat.
4. Afterwards, we will make the leaves. Take a green flannel cloth and
leaf pattern design. This leaves us to use as bases such as the one in
the bud roses. Finish making patterns, sewing directly on the bottom
of the leaf up to serve as a pedestal bud. Techniques sewed sewn out
of flow from the center towards the edge of bud-edges.
5. To strengthen, make sure when you sew gluing the parts such as the
crown and leaves the flower bud. Her
Done! Easy is not How to Make Flannel Fabric Accessories from above
way is used to make the roses that are very suitable for the party.
You can combine it with tongs so that it can serve as an ornamental
hairpin or your evening dress.
In addition to roses, you can also try a flannel fabric creations with
the same basic way as easy. Good luck at home and do not be afraid to
be creative with other forms!e, the flower buds will be central to
paste all the rest.ty.