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View More Juice And Flavorunique By Maya Asmayanti Kelas : Xii Rpl 2 No. : 16

Nama      :               Maya Asmayanti
Kelas       :               XII RPL 2
No.          :               16

Viewmorejuiceandflavorunique, thanks toan injection ofyogurtanda sprinkling ofpistachios.


     3 pieces(750 g) avocado, takethe meat
     2tbsplemon juicesweet
     100mlplain yogurt
     50g ofroastedpistachionuts1)
     ice cube

Complementaryand stir:

     200mlheavy cream, whippedstiff
     50gplain yogurt

How to Make:

     Mix theavocadoflesh, lemon juice, yogurt, icecream, pistachionuts, andice cubesina blender. Processuntil smooth.
     Pourjuiceinto eachservingglass. Garnish witha mixture ofheavy creamandyogurt.
     Servecold. (F)

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