Name    : Muhammad Umar

Class    : XII RPL 3

No         : 17

Klik untuk menandai sebagai belum dibaca Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2013- Resource depletion BY Muhammad Umar Class    : XII RPL 3 No         : 17

Resource depletion

  • Depletion of important renewable and non-renewable resources accompanied economic growth. Many of the world's fisheries are in decline due to over-fishing. Tropical forests are being lost at a rapid rate. Nearly a billion people live in countries where water is in scare supply. In almost all of these areas, water supplies continue to be overdrawn and polluted. Stocks of key mineral resources, such as aluminum and copper, are for the most part not close to exhaustion, but high-quality reserves are being depleted, and recovery of lower-quality reservice tends to invole higher and environmental costs.
  • A good example of resource depletion is the growing use of petroleum, which is a finite resource which takes millions of years to create. At the rate we are using up petroleum we could be facing depletion within the next five generations. With growing population and land degradation we are also facing a situation where the Earth can no longer feed the vast amount of people on the planet.

Causes of the Resource Depletion

  • Non-equitable distribution of resources.
  • Technological and industrial development.
  • Erosion.
  • Irrigation.
  • Mining for oil and minerals.
  • Drainage of wetlands.
  • Deforestation.
  • Plant extinction.
  • Shortages of food and resources for many cultures around the world.
  • Fewer habitats and food for many animals, and mineral oil.

Impact on Daily Life

  • If we continue to use these resources at the current rate we are using them, the resources that drive our economy will one day be exhausted.
  • Many people don't realize the impact reources have on our daily lives.
  • For example, if we didn't have oil, we wouldn't be able to activate ways of transportation such as cars and planes...try to imagine that.
  • Forests are another resource that is being destroyed by humans.
  • As they are being cut down, the green house effect is getting worse due to all the carbon dioxide.
  • The decline of resource availibility will cause real limits to the quality of life.
  • The prices to acquire these materials are still increasing drastically due to scarcity.
  • Developing countries have become dependent on industrialized countries to purchase raw materials.
  • They are considered a key to their development.

Impact on the Ecosystem

  • The issue of resource depletion is growing all the time and our future depends on finding solutions to this problem.
  • Natural resources are part of what makes up a country's wealth.
  • Without the resources that a country needs it will not have a good economy.
  • If there are no more oil reserves found in the world and we kept our increasing rate of two percent oil consumption, the oil reserves will be used up in the world in about forty to fifty years.
  • If this is true then we need to look for newer sources of transportation, other than cars, buses, and motor boats because they all require oil.
  • Three of the main renewable resources are waterfood, and forests.
  • We destroy hundreds of acres of trees each year and plant seeds thinking that they will grow back in no time, but it takes hundreds of years for those trees to grow back.
  • Europe holds about eighty nine percent of the world's renewable water resources, but it uses fifteen percent a year.
  • Food is only renewable up to a point.
  • If the demand for fish grows faster than the supply of fish itself then will run out of fish, same with many different animals that we eat.
  • There are many things that our world needs to work on in order to have a good future.
  • If we are not able to finid different resources that we can use then our future will be in big trouble.
  • The world needs to stop wasting the resources that we are given and that we supply and find out ways to conserve them for our future children.

Impact on the Future

  • Some studies have been done for the future using renewable resources a couple of these options are solarand wind power.
  • By using solar and wind power we are eliminating the use of oil and other natural resources that may be depleting from the earth.
  • In the future, we should begin using different alternative power sources and conserving natural resources as much as possible for our future generations.

Political, Social, and Economical problems

  • The economy of a country is primarily bases on the natural resources that it supplies and produces.
  • Another part of a country's economy is its' ability to purchase needed machinery to dig the resources out of the ground and money to purchase needed resources from other countries.
  • One social benefit of resource depletion is it helps bring countries together by trade.
  • The country that you are trying to import natural resources from will usually be a country that you would want to have a friendly relationship with.
  • This issue of resource depletion can also start wars.
  • Some people try to use these resources for their personal gain.


  • There are many solutions to the issue of resource depletion, but not all are very practical.
  • As technology advances scientist come up with more and more ways to keep different resources from completely being depleted.
  • One practical solution is to buy depleted resources from other countries that still have an abundant supply of them, however, this can get expensive.
  • Another practical solution is to explore the option of finding needed resources in space on other planets.
  • A less likely solution is to find new ways to produce and made these resources that we are loosing.
  • One more less practical solution is to discover different resources that produce the same actions and play the same roles as the depleted did, allowing us to use these alternatice resources so that we have a way to avoid having to buy or trade for expensive resources from other countries.
  • As you can see there are many solutions, some more practical that others, to the topic of resources depletion.