NO : 06
Klik untuk menandai sebagai belum dibaca how to make pecel (indonesian food) BY DEVI RISTA ALRAZANI KELAS : XII RPL 1 NO : 06

Recipe of a Pecel

Klik untuk menandai sebagai belum dibaca how to make pecel (indonesian food) BY DEVI RISTA ALRAZANI KELAS : XII RPL 1 NO : 06
Pecel is the typical food from Indonesia. Based vegetables like long beans, bean sprouts, and kale. Disausi with peanut sauce are typical. Making food is sweet, savory and delicious.

How To Make A Pecel

Pecel (Indonesian Food)

Recipe Ingredients Pecel:

* 150 grams of young spinach
* 150 grams of green beans, cut @ 2 inches
* 150 grams of young spinach
* 200 grams of bean sprouts or other types of vegetable
* Salt according to taste
* Peanut brittle peanut

Sambal Recipe Pecel:

* 250 grams of peanuts roasted / fried, roughly chopped
* 6 fruit chili sauce
* 2 red chilies
* 1 teaspoon chopped kencur
* 3 cloves garlic
* 3 lime leaves
* 1 teaspoon tamarind
* 1 / 4 teaspoon shrimp paste
* 300 ml boiled water
* Salt and sugar according to taste

How to Make Pecel:

* Boil separately each of vegetables and drain.
* Sambal pecel: saute peppers, kencur, garlic, and lime leaves with 3 tablespoons of cooking oil, drain. Puree with fried beans, berries boiled water, stir condensed. Serve vegetables with peanut sauce and peanut brittle.
* Peanut brittle peanut: 10 pieces of hazelnut puree roasted / fried, 5 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons kencur, 1 teaspoon coriander, and 1 teaspoon salt.
* Mix the rice flour 200 grams, 50 grams of corn starch, spices, 1 egg beaten, stir, pour 450 ml of liquid coconut milk while stirring into a smooth dough. Enter the 5 pieces of finely sliced lime leaves, and 200 grams of beans.
* Pour 1 tablespoon vegetable adondn at the edge of the pan. Let harden, remove the pan with a spoon, take it to the middle, cooking over low heat while turned upside down to dry brown. Remove and drain.