Name: Rina Riska Oktaviana
Numb: 25
Class: XII RPL 3


           Fertile soil is soil that contains enough nutrients for plants and microorganisms , and in terms of physics , chemistry , and biology meet for growth . But the fertile soil can be damaged due to soil erosion and pollution .
           As the air and ground water is an important component in the life kita.Tanah instrumental in the growth of living things , Maintaining ecosystem , and maintaining the water cycle . Case of soil pollution is mainly due to the disposal of waste that are not eligible ( illegal dumping ) , leakage of liquid wastes from industrial or komrsial facility , or oil transport vehicle accidents , chemical substance , or waste , was later to spill onto the ground . When a substance is hazardous / toxic has polluted the soil surface , then it can evaporate , Swept away rainwater and or entering into soil . Pollution that goes into the ground and then terendap as toxic chemicals in the soil . Toxic substances in the soil can have a direct impact to humans when in contact or can contaminate water , soil and the air above it.
           According to Government Regulation No. . 150 of 2000 on Control of the soils for the production of bio-mass : " Land is one of the components of land area of the earth 's upper crust composed of mineral materials and organic materials as well as having physical, chemical , biological , and has the ability to support human life and living things other . "
           But lately , due to human activities , a lot of damage to the soil , especially in densely populated urban areas , industrial areas and agricultural and livestock areas . In the PP. 150 th . 2000 mentioned that " damage the land for biomass production is the changing nature of the soil that exceed the standard criteria of soil damage .
           Soil contamination is a state in which man-made chemicals enter and modify the soil environment alami.Pencemaran soil usually occurs due to leakage of liquid waste or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities , the use of pesticides , the entry of contaminated ground water in the subsurface layer , chemicals , or waste water from landfills and industrial waste dumped directly into the soil does not meet syarat.Pencemaran taken into the ground then terendap as toxic chemicals in the soil . The toxic substances can affect directly to humans when bersentuhaan or can mencemariarus groundwater and air in it.
           Soil pollution has a close relationship with both air pollution and the contamination of water . Pollutants that are dissolved in the air and carried away by rainwater , falling to the ground , causing soil pollution .
           Similarly pollutants in surface water ( river water , sewage , water and brackish water lake ) can get into the soil and can cause soil contamination . Thus, the most widely Environment and is easily contaminated soil .
The land in question is part of the earth's surface is inhabited by many living things , especially humans , plants a variety of animals and microorganisms . Also in this land there are also water and air .
Source materials and components Soil Pollutants
1 ) Sources of Soil Pollution
           Because soil contaminants have strong relationships with air pollution and water pollution , food sources of air pollutants and sources of water pollution in general are also a source of soil contaminants .
For example, carbon oxide gases , nitrogen oxides , welirang oxides into the air pollutants that dissolve in rain water and fell to the ground can cause acid rain causing pollution in the soil .
           Ground water containing pollutants such as contaminated radioactive substances , heavy metals in industrial waste , household waste , hospital waste , the remnants of fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural areas , waste detergent , eventually also can cause pollution in the area where the ground water surface or ground water surface area through which the contaminated soil .
From the above discussion , the source of soil contaminants can be grouped also be a source of contaminants derived from :
           a. Household waste , market waste and hospital waste .
           b . Volcano that erupted and smoke in motor vehicles
           c . Polymer materials and materials that are difficult to decompose
           d . agricultural waste
           e . Atomic reactor waste / NPP
           f . industrial waste
2 ) Components of Soil Pollutants
           Pollutant components derived from sources aforesaid pollutants such as:
           a) An organic compound that can be decomposed as described by microorganisms , such as food scraps , leaves , plants and animals are dying .
           b ) organic compounds and inorganic compounds that can not be destroyed / broken down by microorganisms such as plastics , fibers , ceramics , tins and used building materials , causing the soil becomes less fertile .
           c ) Air Pollution in the form of water-soluble gases such as nitrogen oxide rain ( NO and NO2 ) , welirang oxides ( SO2 and SO3 ) , carbon oxides ( CO and CO2 ) , produces acid rain which will cause the soil is acidic and damaging soil fertility / plant .
           d ) Pollutants such as heavy metals resulting from industrial wastes such as Hg , Zn , Pb , Cd can contaminate the soil .
           e ) radioactive substances generated from nuclear power plants , atomic reactors or from other experiments that use or generate radioactive substances .
· Causes of Soil Pollution
           Soil is an important part in supporting life on earth . We know the food chain begins with plants . Human , animal, plant life . most of our food comes from the ground , although there is the plants and animals that live in the sea . It is fitting for us to preserve the land so that it can support life on earth . As water and air pollution , soil contamination was the result of human activity .
           Soil contamination could be due to domestic waste , industrial waste , and agricultural waste .
· Domestic Waste
           Domestic sewage that can cause soil contamination could have come from the area : residential ; perdagang-an/pasar/tempat hotel businesses and others ; institutions such as government offices and the private sector , and tourism, could be solid and liquid wastes .
           1 . Solid waste in the form of inorganic waste . This type of waste can not be broken down by microorganisms ( non - biodegradable ) , such as plastic bags , beverage cans , plastic bottles of mineral water ex , etc. .
           2 . Shaped liquid waste ; feces , detergents , oil , paint , if absorbed into the ground will damage the soil water content and can kill micro - organisms in the soil .
industrial waste
Industrial waste that could cause pollution of soil from the area : factory , manufacturing , small industry , housing industry , could be a solid and liquid wastes .
           1 . Industrial solid waste or solid waste that is the result of industrial waste in the form of solids , sludge , slurry from the processing . For example, processing the rest of the sugar mills , pulp , paper , rayon , plywood , preservation of fruit , fish, meat etc. .
           2 . Liquid waste that is the result of processing in a production process , such as industrial processing scraps of metal plating and other chemical industries . Copper , lead , silver , chromium , arsenic and boron are substances result from the metal plating industry
agricultural waste
           Agricultural wastes that can cause soil pollution are the remnants of synthetic fertilizers to enrich the soil / plant , for example, urea fertilizer , pesticide eradication of plant pests , such as DDT .
Polymer materials and materials that are difficult to decompose
           Polymer materials are widely used as food packaging , beverage , or a plastic bag . In addition to the practical , the price of these polymeric materials are very cheap so widely used . However , this polymer material generally difficult broken down by microorganisms . Besides combustion also produces smoke and harmful gases .
           There polymeric materials that can be recycled and some are not . In developed countries , the polymeric material may be used in everyday life should be a material that can be recycled . Polymeric materials that go into the ground and hard to be described can disrupt plant life . Polymer materials described among other tough plastic , glass ( glass ) , cans , zinc , and scrap metal .

Soil contamination can occur because of the things below, namely :

           1 . Soil contamination directly
For example, because of excessive use of fertilizer , pesticide , and disposal of waste that can not be described as plastic , cans , bottles , and others .

           2 . Contamination of ground water through
Water containing contaminants ( pollutants ) will change the chemical composition of the ground that it interferes with the bodies that live in or on the soil surface .

           3 . Soil contamination by air
Polluted air will rain containing pollutants which result in contaminated soil as well .