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Landslide By Eka Kiki .R Kelas : Xii Rpl 2 No :  6

Nama Eka Kiki .R Kelas: XII RPL 2 No:  6

 LandSlide Landslides or in English called Landslide , is forming material transfer form rock slopes , materials reshuffle , soil , or material mixture , moving down or off the slopes. Landslide occurrence process can be described as follows: water that infiltrates into the soil will increase the weight of the soil. If water penetrates the soil until water seal acts as a field slip , then the ground is slippery and soil weathering on it will move following the slopes and off the slopes. >> Landslide Types of Soil There are 6 types of landslides, namely : translational landslide , landslide rotation , motion blocks, rubble , soil creep , and material flow reshuffle . Translational and rotational landslide type most commonly occurs in Indonesia . Whereas most avalanches that human casualties are dismantling the material flow . 1 . Translational landslide Translational landslide is they have a limited air mass of soil and rock in the field of flat or shaped slip ramps menggelombang . 2 . Rotate avalanches Rotational landslide is moving its mass of soil and rock in the field of concave -shaped slip . 3 . Block movement Block movement is move rocks moving in the field of flat -shaped slip . These avalanches avalanches also called translational block of stone . 4 . Stone ruins Occurs when the rubble is the sum of a large rock or other material moves down by free fall . Generally occur on steep slopes to suspending especially on the coast. Large rocks that fall can cause severe damage . 5 . Soil creep Soil creep is a kind of slow -moving landslides . Soil types form coarse and fine details . Types of landslides are almost unrecognizable . After quite a long time this creep types of erosion can cause telephone poles , trees , or a home tilt down 6 . Material flow reshuffle This type occurs when the landslide soil mass moves driven by water . Flow rate depends on the slope of the slope , the volume and pressure of water , and type materially . Movement occurred along the valley and are able to reach hundreds of meters away . In some areas can reach thousands of feet in the area as the river flows around the volcano. Land flow can swallow pretty much sacrifice . >>General symptoms Estate Landslide Common symptoms that usually appear before the landslide disasters are : The emergence of crack - crack on the slopes of the line with the direction of the cliff. Typically occurs after rain . The emergence of new springs suddenly . Bank fragile and gravel from falling . >>The occurrence of these factors cause the Land Avalanche In principle, any style landslide occurred on slopes greater motivator than retaining style . Retaining style generally influenced by the strength of rock and soil . While motivating style largely influenced by slope angle , water , and the heavy burden of soils and rock. 1 . rain Threat of landslides usually begins in November because of increased rainfall intensity rain. The long dry season will result in a surface water evaporation in large numbers. That resulted in the emergence of the pores or cavities occur land to land surface cracks When it rains, water will infiltrate into the soil cracked up quickly expand back . At the beginning of the rainy season, high -intensity rainfall usually happen that often, so that the water content in the soil becomes saturated in a short time . Heavy rains early in the season can cause erosion , because through the cracked ground water will enter and accumulate in the bottom of the slope , giving rise to lateral movement . If there are trees on the surface , landslides can be prevented because the water will be absorbed by plants. Plant roots bind the soil will work . 2 . steep slopes Steep slope or cliff will enlarge driver style . A steep slope formed by erosion of river water , spring water , sea water , and wind . Most of the resulting avalanche slope angle is 180 when the end of the steep slope and horizontal longsorannya field . 3 . Soil less compact and dense Less compact soil type is loam or clay soil with a thickness of more than 2.5 m and slope angle of more than 220 . This type of soil has the potential for the occurrence of landslides , especially when rain occurs . Besides this land highly susceptible to soil movement due to become mushy when exposed to water and air is too hot bursts . 4 . Less powerful rock Volcanic sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks and a mixture of sand -size gravel , sand , and clay is generally less intense . Rock will easily be ground when experiencing weathering process and generally prone to landslides when there is on a steep slope . 5 . Type of land layout Many landslides occurred in the area code of rice fields , plantations , and there are puddles on the steep slopes . In rice fields less strong roots to bind the soil and make the soil details become mushy and saturated with water so easily happen landslide. As for farming district the reason is because the roots can not penetrate holt of avalanches in the field and generally occurs in old landslide area . 6 . vibration Vibrations that occur usually caused by earthquakes, explosions, machine vibration , and vibration of the vehicle traffic . Consequences thereof is land , roads , floors and walls of the house to be cracked . 7 . Fell face water lake or retention Due to a fast susutnya face in lake water then the retaining slope style be lost, with the tilt angle of 220 reservoirs easily happen avalanches and land subsidence are usually followed by fractures. 8 . The availability of additional load The existence of such an additional burden on the slopes of the building loads , and drivers of vehicles will enlarge style landslide occurrence , especially around street corners in the valley area . The consequence is often the occurrence of land subsidence and cracks him across the valley. 9 . Erosion / erosion Stripping much water do to the banks of the river . Additionally due to deforestation around the river bend , the banks will be steep . 10 . Presence on the banks of the pile material To develop and expand the settlement land is generally done cutting the banks and hoarding valley. Soil stack in the valley has not been perfect terpadatkan as natural soil beneath . Until when will happen rain drop land followed by crack . 11 . Former long avalanches Long avalanches generally occur during and after volcanic material deposition occurs at a relatively steep slopes or at the time of or after the skin earth fault occurs . Former long avalanches have the legal features: There is a long steep cliffs curved horseshoe shape . Generally found the springs, trees are relatively thick as loose and fertile soil . District slide body top relative generally mild. Found small avalanches , especially on the banks of the valley . Found relatively steep cliffs , a former small avalanches on old landslide . Found groove valley and on the banks found cracks and small avalanches . old landslide is quite broad . 12 . The existence of a discontinuity field ( the field is not continuous ) Not continuous field has its : Field rock bedding Field contact between the overburden bedrock contact areas between the cracks of rocks with a strong rock . contact areas between the rocks that can bypass the water with no skipping rocks water ( water -tight ) . Field contact between the soft soil to compact soil . These areas are weak areas and can serve as an avalanche slide areas . 13 . deforestation Many landslides generally occur in relatively hairless areas where ground water is very less binding . 14 . District Landfills The use of low soil layer for landfills can result in large number of landslides especially coupled with the splash of rain, as happened in Leuwigajah Garbage Landfill in CIMAHI . This disaster caused around 120 people died .

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