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Recipes How To Make The Most Of Fresh Apple Juice And Delicious By Dewi Putri Setiyowati Kelas : Xii Rpl2 No : 04

Nama      : Dewi Putri Setiyowati
Kelas       : XII RPL2
No           : 04

Recipes How to Make the Most of Fresh Apple Juice and Delicious
Recipes How to Make the Most of Fresh Juice and Delicious Apples - Apple Juice is a very healthy drink and drink well at all times. To make the apple juice itself is also easy and practical. Surely my friend can also be practiced immediately after a given way and in a special recipe to make fresh apple juice. Immediately wrote the following materials are required and the process of making apple juice.

Materials to Make Apple Juice:
1 fresh apple
1 sweet orange fruit, orange juice squeeze and grab it
1/2 tablespoon granulated sugar
3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
sufficient water
Ice cubes to taste

How to Make Apple Juice:
1. Take the peeled apples and split into several pieces and dispose of the seeds.
2. Prepare the blender, and the apple pieces directly enter into blender.
3. Enter the orange juice, sugar, and sweetened condensed milk in a blender.
4. Add water and ice cubes (sesuikan dengans taste buddy).
5. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
6. Prepare the serving glasses and pour the juice into a glass.
7. Serve cold.

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