Klik untuk menandai sebagai belum dibaca Sekolah Menengah kejuruan 2013-The Biosphere BY Sarah Luthfiana

The Biosphere is the comprehensive total of all ecosystems. Hence it is also known as the Earth’s Life Zone which is considered a closed and self sustaining system. It is the total ecological system that encompasses all living beings and there interrelating connections including how they interact with the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere elements. Put simply, it is the orb of life where we humans also belong.
The Biosphere is what provides us food, a home, and a source of all other necessities vital for our survival. Hence, we have the innate responsibility to preserve it, especially for future generations. Unfortunately, such is not what is being done. Today, very little concern is directed towards planet earth. The main focus of man is in keeping his current lifestyle, even if it involves sacrificing the environment’s welfare. The human race is now in an age of great technological advancements. And as we progress, nature is seemingly being left behind. People seem to forget to take the surroundings into consideration when making their decisions and executing their actions.
The Biosphere is being defiled in because for man’s need for convenience. And the need that poses the biggest threat is man’s insatiable hunger for energy. Energy is vital in today’s world of advanced technologies. Energy powers man’s inventions that were realized through developments in the field of science. Unfortunately, conventional sources of energy that most consumers use have huge negative impact to the environment in the form of air pollution. Traditional energy sources release carbon gases into the atmosphere when they are harnessed or consumed. The said gases cause the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming that in turn causes the dreaded climate change. It has already been witnessed how devastating climate change can be. It left unchecked, it may even lead to an extinction level event.
Conventional energy sources are also referred to as brown energies or technologies because they pollute the Biosphere. In spite of this, they remain widely used by consumers because of the high level of efficiency they provide. Efficiency is the main reason why even though green energy alternatives exist, brown energy still continues to monopolize the energy market. But massive research and development dedicated at improving the efficiency of green energy has began to bear fruit. Clean energy technologies today are far more efficient that before and can be said to be at the same level of traditional energies. New methods of generating clean energy have been discovered that greatly empowers the sustainability industry.
The Biosphere is in grave danger from brown energy. We need to save it with green energy. The transition to cleaner energy technologies should begin now. The planet is aching because of man’s actions. And it is also man that can heal the environment’s wounds. And the panacea for all of the ailments brought about by pollution is green energy. Let us not wait before it is too late. We should act now; for our own sake and that of the generations to come.