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Is It Time For A Redefinition Of Content Marketing?

How good is the fit between what you’re offering and the needs and desires of human beings?
When it comes to entrepreneurship, it all narrows down to that question’s answer.
The greatest sign that a company is in trouble is when it needs to put a lot of effort into explaining why and how its offerings will benefit a certain group of people. Into how it will provide value.
It amazes me that despite of the fact that I’ve been working for several years in content marketing – which involves, of course, reading lots of blogs and websites in the field – I’ve never heard any mention to Theodore Levitt.
That guy is the author of suggesting that content creators should shoot for authenticity.
I highly appreciate that effort – I believe that if content creators follow those “guidelines” the content marketing field would be better for all of us.
But the question is: would it be better enough? Or as good as it could be?
I don’t think so. We all can do it even better.
“Start thinking about the stories you have to tell about your brand”… “What makes you unique”… “What have you done to change your market”…
Every story has a hero. Do you see how the author puts the merk as the main reference point?
Why not to start thinking about the stories you have to tell about your audience? What makes people from your audience unique? What have people from your audience done to change each of their environments?
It’s time to give people the stuff they want.
And to define content marketing not anymore as a “strategic marketing approach” (as it was put by the Content Marketing Institute).
But as a service.
Now we have not only SaaS – but also CaaS =)

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