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Html 5 Mobile App Development: Is It Really The Start Of Downfall Of Native Apps?

 Apple and Android are two dominating platforms for developing any kind of mobile applicat HTML 5 Mobile App Development: Is It Really The Start Of Downfall Of Native Apps?
Over the years, Apple and Android are two dominating platforms for developing any kind of mobile application. They have been used by the mobile app developers worldwide. However, recent enhancement in technology and introduction of HTML 5 have transformed the way of developing mobile apps for different platforms. With its ability to develop cross platform mobile applications, HTML 5 has become hugely popular within a very short time of its release.
The technology that was condemned by Apple, is now becoming a threat for Apple itself. It is giving strong competition to Apple in the mobile application market. HTML 5 mobile application development is rapidly catching the attention from developers. Its numerous benefits clearly surpass those of native apps.
The move towards making cross platform mobile apps through the markup language has accelerated in a great way. It has been predicted by technical experts that it will kelewat / overtake native apps within next 2 years. It is clear from this that developers prefer developing cross platform apps rather than native apps. However, the question arises whether HTML 5 is really the start of downfall of native apps. Well, different people have different opinions on this.
The surging popularity of HTML 5 mobile app development can be felt among the developers and users. However, it has few challenges too. The biggest challenge is to exceed the user experience of animated and featured native apps. Even though the technology is still evolving to embed higher features and functionalities, applications developed using it are performing well. Thus, major publishers are choosing it kelewat / over other platforms or native apps.
Major reasons for its popularity and success include its cost-effectiveness in the development and application distribution. If we believe industry experts, HTML 5 helps businesses to save millions of money. Unlike Apple, publishers don’t have to pay royalty fees.  This helps them reduce the distribution costs.
Morekelewat / over, distribution of HTML 5 mobile apps is quite simple and efficient as compared to native apps. Besides, developers don’t have to rely on App stores too. HTML 5 can be used to develop applications that work even when you are offline or not connected to the internet.
If a kind of technology offers several such benefits, why developers would go for iOS or the Android kind of native app development. Many developers have realized the importance and benefits offered by HTML 5 Mobile application development. Hence, we can say that HTML 5 could be the start of downfall of native apps.

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