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Basic Principles For Building A Successful Ipad App

 of the companies that have developed an iPhone app as an additional way of keeping in con Basic Principles For Building A Successful iPad App
More than 50% of the companies that have developed an iPhone app as an additional way of keeping in contact with their clients have not invested yet in creating an iPad app. And if you were to look at how efficient the iPhone app was at expanding their business you would see that it was actually worth the investment. So the questions beckons: “Why haven’t they created an iPad app too?”. And the answers vary in form and expression but the principle behind every answer is that the iPhone app can easily be enjoyed on an iPad.

However, if you were to look at what the users have to say you will easily notice that they are not very excited about the iPhone app look and feel when they use it on the iPad. And that is why the few companies that have created specific iPad apps have come to dominate that sector of the market. And they have done so by following these few concepts that are so obviously smart one can’t help but wonder why no one else has made use of them.

1. Use that Extra Space!

Many app developers simply enlarge the entire app and believe that they are done. But the thing is that users are not fooled by such simple trickery and they do want to be able to enjoy all that extra space. After all, they have paid for that extra space and they do make the effort of carrying that extra bulk around. So if you are going to create an iPad app make sure that you can add new menus, new buttons and new functionalities that are relevant to the public.

2. Test Your App before Lunch

Many people can leave under the false assumption that they are brilliant artists when in fact they only produce mediocre results. And as long as you are only talking about a hobby than everything would be alright but if you are talking about a business, your business, and you want to make money with it, you need to make sure that your app feels good to the end customer. So make sure that you go through at least one session of testing and feedback before a full scale lunch.

3. Be There For Your App

The fact that you have created a good iPad app and have gotten a good initial response does not mean that it will work flawlessly for everyone. Once your roll it out there will be people who will have problems with it and, more importantly, there will be people who will have some great ideas about how to further your app and what other functions you should add. And using those ideas will not only show respect towards your customer base but could actually improve your app and gain more users for it.

4. Let As Many People As Possible Know about Your App

You should never be happy with the customer base that you have. You may be satisfied and give yourself a pat on the back once you reach a certain number but never assume that you have reached everyone. So always work to get the word going about the app, either by investing in publicity or in allying yourself with other non-competitive apps or by doing all the work by yourself and getting people to know about the features of your app.

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