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Disckelewat / over Best Methods For Promoting Your Facebook Business Page

Methods for Promoting Your Facebook Business Page Disckelewat / over Best Methods for Promoting Your Facebook Business Page

In this post, I am going to introduce some of the best methods for promoting your business on Facebook.

You’ve spent a lot of time promoting your Facebook business page, and getting people to like your page, so now you can just starting posting to your wall, and those posts will show up on all those pages, right?

The first thing you need to understand is that not all posts on Facebook are alike. Just because you post something to your business page wall does not mean that it is going to show up on the wall of your fans (the people that ‘Liked’ your business page).

The first step is to understand how the News Feed works. Not so long ago, Facebook had 2 types of news feeds: Top News, and Most Recent.

Now when you login, you will initially have “Top Stories Since You Last Logged In”, and “Most Recent”. Once you have scrolled through your post feed, your posts will then be divided automatically into ‘New Top Story’, ‘Recent Stories’, and ‘From Earlier Today’. Even though the news feed dynamic has changed, it is still important to understand how to get increase your chances of getting your posts onto someone’s wall. Those rules are still the same:

  • Always include photos and/or video.
  • Maximize user interaction – add a link to something interesting, post a question, etc. Make your business personal and interesting. You want people to interact with you. The more likes and comments your post receives, the more likely it will show up in those news feeds.
  • Post often…but not too often. This is a fine line. If you are constantly promoting your business, it will quickly turn people off. If you are engaged, providing quality and value, and adding to the conversation, along with promoting your business, then people will be more tolerant and understanding. However, there are no ‘hard and fast’ rules.
  • Have fun.

Does this guarantee you will always show up on everyone’s wall, and everyone will read your posts and execute your ‘Call to Action’?


But it does give you the best chances to reach as many of your fans as possible.

Now for the kickerOne of the most important features in Facebook is the “Follow” selection.

To set up Follow Button, first, you will need to allow subscribers to your Facebook page. You can do this by selecting your name, next to your photo on your feed page, which takes you to your wall.

Then select the ‘Follow Tab. This allows people on Facebook, who are not your friends, to follow your post feed, just like twitter and Google +.

Now you want to get people to like to your post feed. Getting people to followto your post feed, vice liking your page, can potentially yield a higher pay off. 


Because unlike fans, if they subscribe to your feed, and they go to their Facebook page, they can select your business page feed, and follow up with anything they may have missed. Remember, though, engaging your customers, is the key to making everything about Facebook, and Social Media in general, work. So be interesting, fun, valuable, and don’t make it all about you!

It will probably take awhile for Facebook users to transition and start using the subscription system. But you can take advantage of it now, and stand out from the crowd! HEck, post a video about the subscription tab and show them all the benefits – then get them to subscribe to your feed!

That’s enough for now. There will definitely be multiple parts to this topic, where I will ckelewat / over more on promoting your business with Facebook, so please subscribe to our RSS feed. Thanks for reading, and send me a comment or question. I always respond.

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