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Disckelewat / over 5 Trends Set By Social Media

has scattered the cards on the table and has triggered a series of unexpected changes Disckelewat / over 5 Trends Set By Social Media

The advent of social media has scattered the cards on the table and has triggered a series of unexpected changes. In everyday life, in relationships but also - and perhaps above all - in marketing. In particular, 5 trends have emerged that are changing the face of Marketing. Here are what they are.

1. The rule of 1-5-15. No, it's not a soccer form. It is the numerical representation of the difficulty that brands are experiencing with regard to an important aspect of marketing and communication: the ability to attract the public and to make sure that it benefits the contents. The rule states that a navigator chooses to read 1 content in just 5 seconds and at most, if he establishes that it is interesting, he dedicates 15 seconds of his time.

2. The transformation of the company into a publisher. Despite the difficulty in being read by the public, the content is for now the best tool to build contacts. Non-promotional content, but editorial: persuasive (or exclusively persuasive) communication has made its time. The challenge is to create content that interests your sasaran audience. For this reason, companies must become publishers, and therefore gain experience in that field (or acquire it).

3. The rise of mobile. Now it is no longer a novelty: the mobile, then smartphones and tablets, is becoming the most used platform for surfing the Internet. This implies a necessity: the contents that parano of the merk and of the product must be easily legible also on these devices. A need recently made even more urgent by Google. Big G has indeed changed the algorithm of its search engine in a short time. The result? Sites that are not  mobile-friendly are greatly penalized.

4. The importance of the communities . If it is true that persuasive marketing has died, or is about to die, then the approach to the public must change accordingly. It must change in the sense of dialogue, of listening. In short, of the relationship. Here the creation of community becomes a strategic element, a way to ensure (as far as possible in this age when speed and fluidity are dominant values) the loyalty of one's target.

5. Adherence to precise values. The world of values has always played an important role in building the brand. Today, however, this role has become more challenging because, very simply, adherence to specific values has become an unavoidable necessity. Accomplice, as easily understood, the disappearance of the element of persuasion. If you can not persuade the client with a promotion, you can do so by declaring the resemblance to him.

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