1. Write some sentences to introduce yourself!
Hello my name’s Linda. I am from Kendal. I study at Semarang State
2. Translate these sentences to English!
Bolehkah aku memperkenalkan diri saya? Nama aku Rafael. Saya dari Semarang.
May I introduce myself? My name is Rafael. I am from Semarang.
3. Translate these sentences to Indonesia!
I like dancing traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one day.
Saya suka menari tarian tradisional. Saya bermimpi untuk menjadi seorang penari professional suati hari nanti.
4. Draw a greeting card!
5. Complete the dialogue below!
Tina : Good morning, Andi
Andi : (a) Good morning, Tina.……………………..
Tina : b) How are you?
Andi : Very well, thank you.
(a) Good morning, Tina.
(b) How are you?
6. What expressions will you use if you want to end your conversation?
Sorry, I have to go now.
Good bye
Express your compliment according to the situations below!
7. In this particular day, your sister looks more beautiful than the other days.
What a beautiful girl you are
8. Your friend has just bought a new dress. It looks good and fits his / her body.
This dress suits you well.
Express your sympathy to the situation below!
9. Your friend failed in her exam.
It’s okay dear, let’s study again.
10. Your friend has just lost his / her money.
Poor you, don’t be sad.
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