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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xii Selesai Semester Ganjil Smk


16.       Students          :” Excuse me, sir. May I ....................?”
Teacher            :” Yes, but please return immediately.”
            Students          :” Certainly, Sir.”
A.    Go to wash my hand.                                      C. Know your name, please?
B.     Open the window? It’s hot here.                    D. Turn right to the crossroad
17.       Yayah  :” Is it okay if I invite my classmate for my birthday party Mom?”
            Mother            :” ........................”
            Yayah  :” Thanks, you’re the best mom ever.”
A.    Sorry, I am busy                                              C. Sorry, I will never allow it.
B.     Yes, that’s allright.                                          D. I’m afraid you can’t,  my dear.
18.       Waiter :” Hello, good morning, “ Steak House restaurant.  May I help you?”
            Caller   :”.....................?”
            Waiter :” Certainly , when will your dinner, Ma’am?”
A.    I like to see the menu                                      C. I need a glass of soda.
B.     I would like to book a table.                           D. I need to arrange the meeting.
19.       Opik    :” I often have trouble with my computer. It can’t start.”
            Joni      :” ...................”
            Opik    :” Yes, I will.”
A.    Why don’t you call a mechanic?                     C. It’s better to change the accessories.
B.     I think you should turn it off.                         D. You should take it to the service center.
20.       Ticketing staff:” Good afternoon Sir, how can I help you?”
            Passenger        :”……………..”
            Ticketing staff:” What airline would you like?”
            Passenger        :” Garuda, if possible.”
A.    May I go to Surabaya?                                                C. Do you still have Garuda to Surabaya?
B.     I want the NOAH concert ticket in Surabaya                        D. I need to reserve a flight ticket to Surabaya.
21.       Susan   :” Watch out! Those glasses are very expensive. They are made of crystal.”
            Bob     :” Don’t worry,…………..”
A.    I will hit them             B. I will do it              C. I will be careful                  D. I will take care of you.
22.       Vincent:” May I get you something to drink?”
            Intan    :”That’s very kind of you.”
            Vincent:” ………………..? tea or juice?”
A.    Can I help you                        B. Here is the menu    C. Do you like some tea          D. What would you like
23.       Guest               :” Excuse me, there is no clean towel in the bathroom.”
            Room boy       :” I’m sorry madam,…………………….”
A.    I’ll bring some for you            B. I don’t know          C. I’ll fix it soon         D. I’m glad to hear that.
24.       Rita     :” What are doing there, Sinta?”
            Sinta    :” I’m doing the math exercises. I think it’s challenging.”
            Rita     :”…………., and it’s really interesting too.”
A.    I quite agree with you.                                                C. Oh no, I don’t think so.
B.     Well, It’s my pleasure.                                                D. I’m sure you will be fine.
25.       Consumer        :” I want to complaint about the novel I bought.”
            Shopkeeper     :”……………….?”
            Consumer        :” The last chapter was unprinted on mine.”
            Shopkeeper     :” Well, would you mind if I substitute it with the new one?”
A.    Why are you here                                                        C. I’m sorry I’m not the author.
B.     I’m sorry, what’s the problem                                     D. It costs  Rp. 75.000 per novel.

26.       Farida              :” Good morning, …………….?”
            Mr. Brian         :” Yes, It’s me speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?”
A.    Are you okay?                                                             C. I’m free, I won’t go anywhere.
B.     Mr. Brian, do you have time this week?                     D. May I speak to Mr. Brian, please?
27.       Fifi      :” Did you join the trip to Sumedang last week, Bita?”
            Bita     : “ If I had gone to Sumedang, I would have bought some souvenirs.”
            Fifi      :” So, it means that you………..”
A.    Went to Sumedang                                                     C. didn’t go to Sumedang.
B.     Buy many souvenirs there.                                          D. didn’t sell some souvenirs.
28.       Yanti   :” If I………………., I would drive a fancy car.”
            Tini      :” Just dream it on, girl. You’ll never be.”
A.    Were a millionaire                                                       C. Will be a millionaire
B.     Like to be the millionaire                                            D. Want to be a millionaire
29.       Ninik   :” Oh my God. Look my body! I’m overweight!”
            Didik   :” I wish ………….”
A.    You don’t go                                                              C. You would eat more
B.     I Cook some vegetables                                              D. Your body were slimmer


30.       Ali       :” Hi, Budi. Do you have any plan this evening?”
                                                A                                 B
            Budi    :” No, I don’t. What’s up?”
            Ali       :” Are you go to the La Citra’s café?”
31.       Darmaji:” Do you know that Sarah gets an accident last week?”
            Agus    :”Yes, I think she will be all right, because her  operation went on successfully.”
                                    B                                             C                  D
32.       Lili       :” Hi, Alice. Who do you look so sad?”
            Alice    :” My uncle is in the hospital. He was diagnosed typhus.”
                                    B                                                                     C
            Lili       :” I’m really sorry to hear that.”
33.       Manager          :” Have you known my new secretary, Mr. Andi? Her name is Ashley.”
                                                                                    A                                 B
            Mr. Andi         :” How does she do?”
            Miss. Ashley   :” How do you do? I’m pleased to meet you , Sir.”
34.       Guest   :” I forgive you. I’ve split the tea over the table.”
                                    A                                                         B
            Waiter :” It doesn’t’ matter, Ma’am. It can be cleaned easily.”
                                    C                                             D


To        : all employees
From    : Mr. Wettimuny
Subject: ordering supplies

All requests for supplies must be typed and signed. Only typed requests will be accepted. They must be on my desk by 15th every month. The approved requests will be sent into the accounting department. Please, plan ahead. It takes 2 to 6 weeks to order supplies.

35. What does the memo concern?
A. overdue account                                                     C. Supply requests
B. office furniture                                                       D. The typewriters.
36. What will happen to the handwritten requests?
A. They will be approved                                           C. They will not be accepted.
B. They will be read carefully                                     D. They will be sent by mail.
37. When will the supplies be available?
A. in 2 days                 B. by 15th monthly                  C. within 6 weeks                   D. immediately
38. The word They on the memo refers to…..
A. supplies                  B. typed requests                    C. departments                        D. six weeks

We have gathered over a hundreds companies to meet with you
in an exclusive interview.
We will conduct the “ JOB FAIR” on Saturday and Sunday, December 4-5,
from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Location : Yogyakarta Depnakertrans Office .
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan 34, Building D.
**Parking is available
**No registration
**Bring your resume and last photos.
Information: call +62274876900

39. What kind of advertisement is above?
A. Cooking fair           B. Staff gathering                   C. Job vacancy            D. Exclusive interview.

40. How long does the job fair take time?
            A. 2 days                     B. 4 days                                 C. 5 days                     D. 34 days

41. How can you get more information about the job fair?
            A. every day               B. By calling                           C. By training             D. By interviewing.

42. What is the antonym of the word “ last” above?
            A. Bring                      B. Conduct                             C. Finally                    D. First

a.    Take slimming gel in sufficient amount.
b.    Apply on your thigh, upper arms, stomach, hip, and other skin areas.
c.    Massage gently and squeeze your skin for a few minutes.
Do it twice a day, in the morning and evening before going bed

43. What does the text tell us?
A. How to buy a gel.                                                  C. How to ask direction in massaging our body.
B. How to apply job in RATU MAS Company.        D. How to use the RATU MAS slimming gel.

44. How many times are you suggested to use the gel?
A. twice a day.            B. in the morning.       C. in the evening.        D. before going to bed.

45. For whom is the text aimed to?
A. PT. Ratu  Mas .                              C. The shops which sell slimming gel.
B. All people in the morning.              D. The customers who use the slimming gel.

46. Which word has the closest meaning with “ direction”?
            A. Massage                 B. Instruction             C. The usage               D. Sufficient

Toyota is a name of  a big  (47)…….. ……… Japan, it is located on east central Honshu
province. Toyota is the town where the headquarters of the Toyota Motor Corporation and is a
major automobile manufacturing and assembly centre. A classic company town, it has a
planned layout for its sprawling assembly plants, office complexes, and housing developments
 for workers and their families. The city was formerly (48)……..Koromo,   Prospered from the
 late of  19th (49)……….  until the 1930s as a centre of the silk industry. Its development as an
automobile manufacturing centre (50)……….. with the opening of the first assembly plant in
1937. The city’s name was changed to Toyota in 1959 after the second plant, Motomachi, was
opened and the population began to grow rapidly. Population (2002): 342,835.

47.       A. mobile                    B. city             C. workshop                D. country

48.       A. named                    B. went           C. liked                       D. sent

49.       A. companies              B. province      C. century                   D. headquarter

50.       A. follow                     B. remind        C. open                        D. began

####  GOOD LUCK  ####

JAWABAN :  16-20 : ABBDD
21-25 ; CDAAB
26-30 ; DCADD
41-45 ; BDDAD
46-50; BBACD

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