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Latihan Soal Kelas Xi Bahasa Inggris Tengah Semester Ganjil Smk

Kerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini dengan sempurna !

1.a.When you start to make a call, you should....introduce........ yourself right away
    b. Never ...drink/eat/ chew gum...................... while on the phone doing business.

2.a. I’m ….Toni............... from   . SMK 4 KENDAL.......... May I speak to …Mr. Bagus...... please?
    b. ..Could/May............... I have your name, please Sir?

3 a..Did Yanto make a call?  No, he didn’t...................... He received a call (use Yes/No Question)
.   b. Did Mrs. Danuarta want to buy any new typewriters? Yes,.she did.........(use Yes/No Question)

4. a. A) "____What_____ do you eat for lunch every  day?" 
      B) "I eat rice and vegetables for lunch."  (use Question word)
    b. . A) "___When_____ does Jack work ?" 
        B) " He works  every evening." (use Question word)

5 a.. They are not  making a kite,,...are they...............?  (use Question tags )
   b. We go to school by bus,.....don’t we...............? ((use Question tags )

6.a.. I can’t go, I’m very tired.
..too.. tired to go    ( use too or enough)
   b.  I have a low salary. I don’t think I can buy it.
I don’t earn to buy that house .   (use too or enough)

7.a. Are you busy?
No,  I am not ___.
    b. Can Jack and Brian play the piano?
they can___.

8.a. . A) ......Whom/who............................ did you call last night?
    B) I called Maria last night.
   b. . A) "......How much cost ?" 
    B) "It costs 3 dollars."

9 .a.    Is your hobby   reading................. ?          
        You have a lot of novels and short stories
    b. After preparing everything she made for her journey, she left without. saying..... aword to us she kept silent

10.a my hobby . I  collect many kinds of bicycle at home
     b. Your sister is smarter than her age . How old is she ? She is .twenty/ 20- ninetien/ 19 etc.........

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