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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya Essay(Part-3) - Foldersoal.Com - Soal Dan Pembahasan Un | Uambn Uasbn Unbk

Berisikan bahan yang sama dengan soal pilihan ganda B. Inggris kelas 11 semester ganjil bab ketiga , essay bab ketiga merupakan lanjutan dari goresan pena sebelumnya , yaitu Contoh Soal essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya bab kedua (soal nomor 16-30).

Oke , berikut rujukan soal bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester 1 dengan kunci jawabannya untuk siswa SMA/MA/Sederajat , dimulai dari soal nomor 31.

Arrage the words below into a good order!

31. on Earth – Rainforests – the – most – one of – complicated – are – environments
Jawaban: Rainforests are one of the most complicated environtments on earth

32. trees – 40 per cent – carbon – is – Nearly – contained – in the – world’s – of the – rainforests
Jawaban: Nearly 40 per cent in the world’s carbon is contained of the rainforests trees

33. and oxygen – vital to – Rainforests – are – the – in helping – to recycle – Earth – carbon
Jawaban: Rainforests are vital to the Earth in helping to recycle carbon and oxygen

34. are – oldest – Rainforest – the – ecosystem – major
Jawaban: Rainforest are the oldest major ecosystem

35. influence – both – local – Rainforests – and – global – our – climates
Jawaban: Rainforests influence both our local and global climates

36. happy – that – I – it – not – is – worse – really – am
Jawaban: I am really happy that it is not worse

37. attempt – like – children – no – food – Cheap – other – snacks
Jawaban: cheap snacks attempt children like no other food

38. knows – snacks – unhealthy – She
Jawaban: She knows unhealthy snacks

39. signs – are – those – of – states – malnutrition
Jawaban: Those signs are state of malnutrition

40. poverty – The – is – major – factor
Jawaban: The major factor is poverty

Answer the questions completely!

41. Mention some structures in an analytical exposition text?
Jawaban: title , thesis , arguments

42. What is meant by a thesis in an analytical exposition?
Jawaban: thesis is the element of analytical text which has function to support your point of view

43. What is meant by the argument in an analytical exposition?
Jawaban: Argument is the element of analytical text which has function to support your point of view.

44. Make a group of four then use the expressions of pleasure and pain in a short dialog!
Sinta doesn’t go to school because she is sick . she is consulting a doctor about her sickness.
Sinta : Good morning , sir
Doctor : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Sinta : I couldn’t sleep well. Could you examine me?
Doctor : Yes , certainly. Okay. Open your mouth! When didi you feel that you have a masalah with your sleeping
Sinta : About two daya ago , and then I also had a cough.
Doctor : Okay. Do you feel paintful joints?
Sinta : Yes , but it sometimes happens
Doctor : Err.... you just have a fever. Don’t worry
Sinta : Thank goodness. Doc , may I got to join a test tomorrow?
Doctor : Why not? You are not seriously ill. Now take a rest and take a lot of nutritous meals and drinks. Don’t forget to drink these medicines after meals.
Sinta : Alright. Then it’s a relief to know that I’m not seriously sick. Thank you.
Doctor : You are welcome. Get better soon.

45. Write 2 sentences of:
a. showing pleasure
- (Oh) I’m delighted to hear that
- We are pleased to hear about....
- It gives me great pleasure/satisfaction
- I can’t say how pleased/delighted I am

b. showing pain
- It’s really paintfull
- I’m suffering from a headache
- I feel sick
- It really hurts me

Lanjut ke soal UTS => 90 Soal MID Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 Persiapan Menghadapi UTS
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